

- 1 min read

Don't touch cacti

img of Don't touch cacti

Florian and I participated in a Weekly Game Jam on Itch.io this week. We had very little time to spend but managed to make something small happen. We created a handy game where you keep on walking and start to walk faster over time. You have to avoid everything by turning left or right. It’s controlled by the smartphone gyrosensor. This means you can walk 360° and the world is infinite generation.

A developer version shows how objects are spawned around the player. The ground is also generated and destroyed around the player but is not visible in this video.

To distract the player we spawn dirt on the lense which you have to dust off. It’s not perfect but gets the job done. In a future revisit we’d like to work with a spritemask where you are able to “draw” in the dust like on a dirty car window. Another rework would need to be the gyro controlls. It’s jittery and unintuitive. For anyone wondering I had a gyroscope attitude problem and fixed that on stackexchange.
Find the final prototype here: https://thecell.itch.io/dont-touch-cacti or download on Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ch.pipiproductions.donttouch.